Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ready, Set, Go!

Well, I have finally committed myself to becoming a blogger. I have made the difficult decision to cut down on career this year and moving ahead into 2011, so I may focus on my 15 month old son, John Ryan. Wedding Planning is a super exciting and enjoyable career (not to mention stressful and time consuming - but more on that in the future) though not the type of career that applies to daycare hours. If I wanted to continue as I was, I would require a full time and live-in nanny and this is a luxury that just is not realistic for us. I am also approaching 38 years of age with a toddler and to be frank, just do not have the interest or energy to try to "do it all". I have been doing a lot for a long time. These years are precious to me and I do not want to feel them slip by. That being said, I am still planning a few weddings, and I adore those that I am involved with. I am currently working with a South Asian couple from Manhattan and a young, hip Portuguese couple from the Hudson Valley both of whom are requesting a blend of their heritage with American heritage all mixed in with a bit of the varying wedding tradition. Boy did I luck-out! I LOVE anything ethnic and the creativity that comes along with! I say a bit of varying wedding tradition, because most of my couples skip a lot of actual wedding tradition (i have only had one bride in 6-years toss her bouquet and never had the chicken dance or anything like it take place at one of my weddings) choosing maybe just one or two traditional elements and creating their own traditions to incorporate throughout their wedding day. More on that in the future too. The purpose of this blog is to show off my work from 2009 (stay tuned) and to keep everyone (everyone who cares - and I am not sure who does care - but am being told some do, hence this blog) informed of what I have going on this year - I'm still working, see see see! I also plan on posting some helpful advice to bride and grooms out there planning unique, more non-traditional weddings for themselves. The photo posted here is during my wedding cocktail hour here in the Hudson Valley. I'm the bride with my husband Ryan and best girlfriends from growing up on Long Island. The adorable girl with the paperwork near my side is my trustworthy assistant, Miss Lucy. I was 7-months pregnant on my wedding day (8.2.08) and more on that in the future too.

1 comment:

  1. Great posts! Ever since I found out about Charmed Places a few years ago, your business has always been an inspiration to me. I was so happy when I came across your blog.

    Congrats on not trying to "do it all". during these precious years... I admire that way of thinking :)

